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Photos of Presenters and Posters: Poster16

Presentation Photos (Posters and Oral Presentations)


College of Science and Mathematics Poster Winner!

Growth and Characterization of PEDOT:PSS and Carbon Nanotube Composite Structures for Excitonic Solar Cells, Owens, Constance

Owens, Constancea, Hettiarachchi, Chamindab, Feliciano, Domingob, Hyde, Robertb, Witanachchi, Sarathb

aCollege of Science and Mathematics, Houston Baptist University

bDepartment of Physics, University of South Florida

Harnessing solar energy is one of the most promising ways to tackle today’s energy issues. Though solar cells are comprised of many different layers, our focus is on a single layer. The main goal of this study is to create thin film composite structures of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and carbon nanotubes (CNT), more specifically with multiple wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). In this study we employ a spray method that utilizes Bernoulli’s principle. We believe that a spray method will produce a better uniform layer than other methods that are utilized for creating thin films. Uniformity within a thin film is of the upmost importance because as uniformity is improved, many properties are enhanced. PEDOT:PSS was mixed separately with both dimethylformamide (DMF) and water. By the Dektak 3030ST, a profilometer device, it was discovered that the PEDOT:PSS containing DMF dispersed better than the PEDOT:PSS mixed with water, thus creating a more uniform film. Also it is well known that MWCNTs possess many excellent properties that can make them very useful in the field of solar technology, such as they are durable, and have a broad range of electronic, thermal and structural properties. In this study we also combine MWCNTs into our thin films to see how they affect thickness, transparency and conductivity by using the Lambda 950, a UV/VIS spectrometer, and a four point probe.

Growth and Characterization of PEDOT:PSS and Carbon Nanotube Composite Structures for Excitonic Solar Cells, Owens, Constance
