NOTE: Due to the nature of cataloging records, some results could include physical books.
reading response - personal experience - language presentation - bilingual education - geography - demographics - economics - history - refugees - displaced persons - native - indigenous - specific language structure - orthography - phonology - morphology - syntax - pragmatics - teaching strategies - culture - case study - interview - consent form - non-spoken language - difference in language acquisition - acclamation into society - bilingualism - language development - language use - tribe - different generations different problems - non verbal communication - migration
Notes: Diane's chosen example people group: Montagnards, Hmongs, Degar, ... Degar Foundation site states: "The Degar population once numbered over 3 million during French colonialism. Today our race has dwindled to only a few hundred thousand survivors. The remaining tribes are Bahnar, Jarai, Rhade, Koho, Sedang, Bru, Pacoh, Katu, Jeh, Cua, Halang, Hre, Rongao, Monom, Roglai, Cru, Mnong, Lat, Sre, Nop, Maa, Stieng, etc. There are more than forty distinct and recognizable aboriginal groups that inhabit Central Vietnam. Their languages are derived from the Malayo-Polynesian and Mon-Khmer families." Another source- Sino-Tibetan.
Search terms might be:
read* or language* or dialect* or bilingual* or geography or demographic* or economic* or history or refugee* or displace* or prejudic* or native* or indigenous or language structure* or orthograph* or phon* or morpholog* or syntax* or pragmatic* or teach* or strateg* or culture* or case stud* or interview* or belie* or non spoken or difference* or acclim* or language development or language use or problem* or non verbal or communicat* or language acqui* or writ*
Montagnard* or Hmong*