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Industry Analysis: In the Beginning....

  Beginning Your Research

When conducting any kind of Industry Research you should have a few key pieces of information easily at hand. For each Industry you are researching consider:

  • Listing different Companies related to that Industry.

  • Looking up these companies  in various databases and listing related SIC and NAICS codes.

  • Looking up the companies and find the corresponding Industry Names. Remember different databases, books and websites will have different names for the same or slightly similar Industries.

  • Searching the Gov. Code tab to check the NAICS and SIC codes.

  • Viewing Company Reports for trends, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to the industry.

  • Using the information above use Business Databases to find current articles.

  Industry WWW

Industry Names -- S&P NetAdvantage and Lexis Nexis

Note: Different Databases may group companies by using NAIC or SIC codes (See Gov. Codes Tab) or by some other characteristic.  Below see headings used by  Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage and Lexis Nexis.