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Annotated Bibliography - Basics: Home

Basics - A Quick Help Guide

Introduction: Understanding Annotations Tutorial: Annotated Bibliographies Use this tutorial to hep identify the purpose, structure, and content of annotated bibliographies and create the annotation.
Identify Your Research Question Tutorial: Developing a Research Focus Introduction ro pre-research techniques to determine the scope and depth of their research focus.
Summarize the article or book Video: How to Narrow Your Topic This will outline the process to help student hone in on a interesting research topic with appropriate scope using strategies like strategic searching.
Assess the source for usefulness and reliability Tutorial: Evaluating Information Familiarize yourself with strategies for evaluating sources based on these criteria: authority, accuracy, currency, relevance, and objectivity.
  Video: What Is Authority Learn about the concept of authority, how it relates to research, source selection, evaluation, and attribution.
  Video: Intro to Bias Learn about what bias and prejudice are and teh important of awareness of one's own bias and teh bias of others when evaluating sources and situations, and responding to arguments.
  Video: Types of Bias This video builds on the previous one buy discussing specific types of bias such as social bias, confirmation bias, and communal reinforcement.
Use A Variety of Sentence Structures

Video: Writing Help


Video: Academic Writing

This video focuses on some of the most important elements of successful writing with an emphasis on mechanics, including brevity, clarity, sentence variety and transitions, spelling and grammar, and seeking out resources for writing help.
Create a Bibliographic Expression

Tutorial: MLA Citation Style

Video: MLA Citation

These tutorials and videos provide overviews to the major citation style guides, including both in-text citation format and works cited format. Tutorials include checkpoints questions with drag and drop practice exercises.

Tutorial: APA Citation Style

Video: Turabian Citation Style
Use A Mix of Scholarly and Other High Quality Sources Video: Types of Sources

Tutorial: Source Types
Use this video and tutorial to learn more about locating, recognizing, and evaluating relevant sources to meet your research needs.

Tutorial: How to Read Scholarly Materials

Video: How to Identiofy Scholarly Materials

Learn about the types and components of scholarly materials as well as strategies for improving reading.
Avoid Low-Credibilty Sources Video: Types of Sources

Tutorial: Source Types
Use this video and tutorial to learn more about locating, recognizing, and evaluating relevant sources to meet your research needs.
  Tutorial: Choosing the Best Web Source With so much information available online, it is important to be able to locate and evaluate reliable, high quality information. Use this tutorial and the Debunking video below to learn strategies for navigating and evaluating open web resources.
  Video: Identifying Misiinformation