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Academic Support and Resources: Not Public Videos Trials on New Catalog etc.

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Librarians' discussion from 7/5/22

Per Bonita Crider. Try searching Browse Subject headings. Bronte, Charlotte  

-too many subject headings for her and too many garbage subject heading.

-Browse Subject Search results do not list the same search by the number of hits retrieved-- no ranking.


If no hits are found- we saw the ILL icon on the top right but could you advise the person: "This item is not in our collection however use the Icon on the top right to request the item via InterLibrary Loan."  or some quicker more hip version.  "Want it as soon as we can get it?"

The image for making an appointment does NOT look like the image on a PC for Pathfinder.

We searched William Shakespeare and Shakespeare, William and retrieved a similar number of hits. Good.

If this is searching by only keywords, even when we request a subject (or title or author) search, that might be a problem.

OA/Can we have the left side limits collapsed and only opened when the students click on a left side tab?

Something about Peer Review on the left side.  I forgot what.

Is there a truncation symbol?

Do Boolean operators work in this? (Criticism OR Critique) AND Shakespeare-- Does Not Work as Boolean????

Students may have trouble following the search interface esp. since it does not look like EBSCO.

When we ran a search "everything" Catalog- it pulls the terms or phrases in other fields like title when we use SUBJECT alone. It should not do that.

Run search Everything (Catalog) and Open Access.  Can you run these at the same time?

Will we be able to run Open Access, Catalog, and Databases at one time?




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Rereading instructions for new resources.

These two are confusing. Maybe Sign In not Log In.

We can use login for Databases?

Maybe Sign to view your fines and checked out the material?

Sign In to view/renew checked-out material?

Or can we with this NEW UPDATE make the HCU Login the Sign In for checking books?  Couldn't we make their username their HCU email and rewrite the password?