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Publishers for Blackboard and Instructions: Home

Publishers and Blackboard

This page deals with Blackboard and publishers instructor's can use in their courses.


   Blackboard has provided some nice, basic information and features about their new partnership. Also, here is a basic instructor guide from their website. And there is also a guide for Building Blocks. 

Cengage MindLinks:

   Here is some information about what features Cengage has for Blackboard courses. Cengage has provided a quick start guide for instructions on how to use their publisher. There is a guide for Building Blocks for Cengage. Also, Cengage has a site where there are multiple guides. 


   For questions about Pearson and its integration with Blackboard please refer to their site

McGraw-Hill Tutorials for Blackboard

Cengage Tutorials

Pearson Tutorials

Reading Lists in Blackboard

Other Helpful Videos

Subject Guide