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KINE 4365

Brand New class. Teaching Research Skill. Prerequisite for KINE 4370.

What word you use is set by discipline- vocabulary

1. anxiety and graduate students as it relates to school completion  

​anxiety or anxious* ​graduate student* ​complet* or retent*
​depress* or stress* ​all college or university students ​graduat* or fail*
​reason* or cause* ​students AND (college* or universit*) ​success*
​worry or worries ​diploma*

2. home school students and anxiety in college

​home-school* or home school* ​anxiety or anxious* ​college* or universit*
​charter* or ​worries or worry
​online or internet ​depress* or stress*
​private or alternative ​reason* or cause*

3. measures of depression and economic status

economic status measure* or test* or score* or scoring depress*
​economically disadvantag* ​instrument* ​sad* or (lack of trying or steadfastness, goals, follow through, complet* etc.) or quit*
​disadvant* or poor ​questionnaire* or questionaire* ​suicid* or future or hope
​costly or cost* or means or financial* or burden* ​survey or surveys ​anxious* or worries* or fear* or afraid or morose