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FYS Prof. Bell: 1. Start

Mostly Nursing Students


1. Start. 

2. IT & Library Contact.

3. APA Style: 

4. All your databases. New Window.

5. How to use databases.

6. Example search and results.

7. How to find books videos. New Window

8. Information Literacy. New Window

9. Plagiarism. 

How to use the Library Homepage.

Library Homepage --

Scroll down to the  "Articles" for databases with journal articles.

Login off campus- HCU email/password.

Make sure you limit to Peer Reviewed Journals  in the EBSCO databases like Cinahl.

There databases have different search interfaces. JSTOR, for example, is already 98% scholarly with out limits.  Ask for assistance- Use our Chat or call us.

Under "Journal" you can look to see what databases has your journal if you do not know.

Link to the "Books" where you can search for books and ebooks the library has.

Use "Library Services" to link to the InterLibrary Loan form.


Link to the Library Databases--

Use the subject tabs on top or the second tab for all the databases.

We tried  "Looking for Something" and  Cinahl.

You use the same login you use for (email and password).

If you aren't sure what database to use, please ask a librarian.

You can limit to Peer Reviewed Journals and limit to last 5 or 10 years as your professor directs you.