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Past: Kinlaw

List- These Series Titles are linked to a search in the Moody Library Catalog.

Double check the record, the Item Information Record and Catalog Record.

  1. Is it a commentary?
  2. Is it the correct series?
  3. Is it Print (need call number) or ONLINE; (Use e-version link icon URL).
  4. (If it does not open try holding the Ctrl key on your desktop down for these links.)

Anchor Yale Bible (New Haven: Yale) 

Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Baker)

Cambridge Bible Commentary (New English Bible) or New Cambridge Bible Commentary

(Cambridge: Cambridge) Try both.   Some could be duplicated.

Cambridge Bible Commentary (New English Bible) 

New Cambridge Bible Commentary  

International Critical Commentary (Edinburgh: T&T Clark)

New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman)

New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans)

New International Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans)

Word Biblical Commentary (Waco: Word Books; or, Grand Rapids: Zondervan)


Not all series will have e-books.

These searches retrieved online books and print books be aware.  If you need to login to see search use your HCU Email and Password.

  1. In Print or physical books will be in the 2nd Floor Stacks.
    1. You will need the call number.
    2. Visit the library on the 2nd floor of the Moody Library Building.
    3. Ask a librarian or student worker to assist you if needed at the main desk on the 2nd floor.

    4. Off campus? Call the library for assistance- 281-649-3180 or CHAT from the library pages.

  2. For ebooks view online.
    1. We suggest you do not download.
    2. Search "Books" at the bottom of the library homepage.
    3. Once you find a record that states- 1 copy available in Online Resources....
      • Click the Blue URL to get access to the book after you sign in with your HCU Email and Password. 
      • Open and read online. 
    4.  If you must download read the tab on top for downloading ebooks.
    5.  It is easier to download on a PC or desk top.
  3. CAUTIONYou can also use the ebook search here but sometimes it does retrieve physical books