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Accessing Moody Library Databases: Home

A quick guide to explain how things work and what to do if they don't.

Access from Off-Campus

NOTE: Logging into the Library's resources requires your full HCU email address and HCU Portal password.

​From off-campus, access can work several ways

  1. OneSearch - you can perform a OneSearch search from the library home page; however, when you click on PDF or HTML reading options, you will have to login. Click the Sign-In button on the pale yellow bar at the top of your OneSearch result list.
  2. On the Library home page, you will also find the Database button at the bottom of the page (top left in the group of nine boxes). Click any database and you will have to login in the time.

If you close your browser, you will have to log back in.

I Can't Login



Common Error Messages

Problems can arise from a number of commons issues:

  1. 400 Bad Request - This error message will appear when something has gone wrong with your web browser. It means that your request was corrupted in some way.
  2. 403 Forbidden - When there is no login opportunity on a page, you will get a 403 on a page if you try to access a forbidden directory on a website.
  3. 404 - Sometimes a web page disappears but links elsewhere to that page are not removed. 

  4. 503 - Service Unavailable. If the site is busy, or the server is down, users may get a 503 error.
  5. Connection Refused by Host- This error is very similar to the 403 error. It means the user either doesn’t have permission to access the site, or an entered password is not correct.


Resolving Problems

With these kinds of problems, Occam's Razor can be a tremendous help. It says, "Entities should not be multiplied without necessity." In plain English, it means starting with easy solutions before moving to the harder ones. Be sure to read our Troubleshooting LibGuide that goes into more detail about how to clear your cache or specific cookies.

  1. Try another browser. Are you having trouble there? (That includes Internet Explorer or Edge.)
  2. Do you have the latest update?
  3. Try Incognito (Chrome) or Private Browsing (Firefox) under the Settings.
    a. Firefox- Click the stack of three dashes just below the X button to close the browser. 
    b. Chrome- Click the three vertical dots just below the X button to close the browser.
  4. Clear the cache. 
    a. Open the Settings menu

    b. Firefox -
         1) Click Options. Type the word cache in the search box. The word will be highlighted in the results.
         2) Click the Clear Data button. First, try clearing the cache (temporary files used by browsers to speed up access). 
         3) Close the browser and try accessing the databases again. 
         4) If unsuccessful, repeat steps #2 and #3, then clear the cookies. (NOTE: This will log you out of every website that was previously left open in the browser. Make sure you know your passwords first.)

    c. Chrome
         1) Click on the Settings option. Type the word cache in the search box. The word will be highlighted in the results. 

          First, try clearing the cache (temporary files used by browsers to speed up access). 
         2) Close the browser and try accessing the databases again. 
         3) If unsuccessful, repeat steps #2 and #3, then clear the cookies. (NOTE: This will log you out of every website that was previously left open in the browser. Make sure you know your passwords first.)



Reporting Problems

If you continue to have problems, this is likely something that the librarians can help with.

Go to the IT Helpdesk.You will need to login with your HCU Username (not full email) and network password. Please include a detailed description, steps taken, and screenshots so the librarians and the IT staff can replicate the problem. Screenshots need to be saved and uploaded individually, if used.