This page contains business websites that have been suggested by Facutly and Students at HCU. Please contact Diane Casebier with any comments or suggestions.
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ACE-NET (Angel Capital Electronics Network) From the site: "Active Capital is the premier Website for entrepreneurs seeking private investment and private investors seeking deals in a secure and protected environment consistent with all investment laws."
AICPA Online Maintained by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, AICPA Online provides a searchable collection of accounting information. It also includes useful links for CPAs, ResumeMatch, and a State Information page for notable state news and legislative issues.
American Accounting Association Searchers will find links to a variety of accounting resources, e.g., journals and newsletters, associations, standards boards, teaching materials, reference sites, etc.
Angel Capital Association From the website: "The Angel Capital Association is a peer organization of angel investing groups in North America. The professional association focuses on networking and sharing of best practices among these angel groups."
BeOnline A project by the Library of Congress to select and catalog business, economic, and related Web resources. There are eighty-eight different subject topics including accounting, business plans, companies by industry, price indexes, women in business, Black Business, and much more. helps small businesses understand their legal requirements, and locate government services supporting the nation’s small business community.
Business Plans and Profiles Index This index lists types of small businesses and a corresponding sample business plan, profile or book about the business with sources provided after each entry. If the plan or profile is online, a link is provided.
Business Reference Sources This guide includes books and other resources that discuss marketing to particular segments of the population along with other sources that are important in determining the size and power of a particular market segment. Also included are statistical books and other sources whose main focus is on a specific generational, ethnic or other group. In addition, the guide includes references to selected articles and online sources.
Center for Venture Research From the Whittemore School of Business & Economics, University of New Hampshire, Durham NH
County Business Patterns (Census Bureau) New Website 1998-2009. Searchable by Zip Code, County and also allows County Comparisons.
County Business Patterns (Census Bureau) See also Texas 2004 County Business Patterns.
Country Commercial Guides Country Commercial Guides (CCG's) are prepared annually by embassies with the assistance of several government agencies. These reports present a comprehensive look at countries' commercial environments, using economic, political and market analysis. Users need to know that the navigation bar at the top of the opening ages is for the entire US State Department's web site, not the "Country commercial guide" site.
Doing Business - Meeting Business Regulations. The Doing Business Project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 181 economies and selected cities and the subnational and regional level.
Economic Research (Federal Reserve).
Economics Statistics Briefing Room From the White House. This site serves as a single resource for recent data on basic federal economic indicators. Covers eight subject areas: Employment, Income, International, Money, Output, Prices, Production, and Transportation.
EDGAR Online - According to their "About Us" page, Edgar Online provides interactive business and financial data on global companies. EDGAR Online delivers a broad spectrum of data including SEC filings, fundamental data, institutional holdings, insider trades, IPO/SPO registrations, and access to global annual reports and conference call transcripts. EDGAR Online's products facilitate deep company and industry analysis including benchmarking, peer analysis, valuation modeling, scenario testing and contribution analysis among others.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Everything International Everything International is intended as an electronic library of resources for faculty, students, and practitioners in the field of international business. A brief explanation of each of the pages associated with this site can be found in the Everything International site information page. Hyperlinks to public and private sources are listed; perceived usefulness being the only criteria used in selecting sites. The lists reflect the creator's biases to some degree in international marketing and macroenvironmental secondary data. An attempt has been made to broaden the scope of recommended sites by including other functional areas. is a data hub for several types of U.S. Government collected data including Census (U.S. and World), Population Demographics (U.S. and World) and Geneology/ Family Tree information. Also featured are U.S. Government Job Sites, Government Grants and Tax Forms.
The Federal Reserve Board "The Fed serves as a barometric gauge of the economy. Under Research and Data at this web site, find current interest rates, daily exchange rates, and more. Some data sets go back 50 years. The Beige Book, often quoted when reporting on economy growth and consumer spending, can be found under Monetary Policy. Fed Chair Alan Greenspan's testimonies are also available." -- Library Journal, 4/15/01 (See Economic Research available at the St. Louis Federal Reserve. Go to To view the various banks, Click "About the Fed." Then click "Federal Reserve Districts and Banks."
Financial Accounting Standards Board
Groningen Growth & Development Centre
Handbook of International Economic Statistics Date: February 1999.Covers Economic history from 1990 to the present. The handbook can also be accessed at
Hoover's Online Free company information. This could be used in conjunction with Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage.
Human Development Report In response to the United Nation’s Millennium Declaration of 2000, this report strives to rate the progress by this declaration. Using the development goals set by the UN, this report rates if countries are reducing poverty rates, child mortality rates, the spread of disease, the growth of educational opportunities, and solidifying political alliances. Other subjects addressed are these: human rights, longevity, income, gender issues, spending and trade. 2005 and other years available.
The International Monetary Fund
National Association of Small Business Investment Companies From the website: The National Association of Small Business Investment Companies (NASBIC) is the professional association for the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) industry.
National Business Incubation Association From the website: "The National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) is the world's leading organization advancing business incubation and entrepreneurship."
National Venture Capital Association From the website: "The National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) is the premier trade association that represents the U. S. venture capital indusry."
The North American Industry Classification System For over sixty years, the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system has served as the structure for the collection, aggregation, presentation, and analysis of the economy. An industry consists of a group of establishments primarily engaged in producing or handling the same product or group of products or in rendering the same services. Industry definitions used in the Bureau of Labor Statistics programs come from the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual. Because the SIC is used by many other federal government statistical programs, it is possible for users to assemble a comprehensive statistical picture of an industry. Developed in cooperation with and , the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) represents one of the most profound changes for statistical programs focusing on emerging economic activities. NAICS, developed using a production-oriented conceptual framework, groups establishments into industries based on the activity in which they are primarily engaged. Establishments using similar raw material inputs, similar capital equipment, and similar labor are classified in the same industry. In other words, establishments that do similar things in similar ways are classified together.
PRARS: the Public Register's Annual Report Service PRARS, from Bay Tact Corporation, provides free annual reports, prospectuses, and 10K's for public companies.
Resources for Economists on the Internet
Smallbizsearch Entrepreneur Media, the publishers of Entrepreneur Magazine , present this new search engine for small business resources.
Small Business Advancement National Center
Small Business Knowledge Base Includes information regarding startup, Internet business, general and personnel management, sales and marketing, and buying and selling a business. Meir Liraz, owner of has 23 years experience as a business coach and small business consultant. The site can be searched but there are no help screen to assist users.
Small Business Resources on the Internet
Stat USA U.S. Federal Government website that accumulates "reliable, timely, and authorative statistics" since 1985. This site is used by business, from Fortune 500 to small and medium-sized.
State Government Finance Data, by State
State of Texas Government Information
Statistics and Demographics (UT Austin Library) This site offers links to International, United States and Texas: Economic, Education and Health and Labor Statistics. Many links require UT Student Access, but several others are free valuable online resources.
streetEYE A New York Internet consulting and development firm dedicated to helping financial institutions create effective online investment research.
Tax and Accounting Sites Directory
Texas 2004 County Business Patterns See also County Business Patterns (U.S. Census Bureau)
Texas State Board of Public Accountancy
United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurs
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - EDGAR
U.S. Small Business Administration
World Bank Group A very well-organized site, according to Choice , even the site map. Choice goes on to say that "the annual World Development Report overview is particularly useful in providing a contextual setting for understanding the present and future challenges facing nations and regions in the developing world.
WTO The World Trade Organization website contains material for a range of users, from the general public to students, academics and trade specialists. It includes introductions to WTO activities and a large database of official documents.