HCU Moody Library has worked with our database vendors to incorporate several of our major database vendor links into Google Scholar! Without these settings, you might locate a wonderful article only to click on it and be told that you must pay for it. By adding the settings below, you can now scroll through your results, look for HCU Fulltext Finder on the right side of your results. You will then know that it won't cost anything because it comes from the HCU library databases. If you are searching from home you can also help restrict your search parameters. Here's how to do it:
There are many free PDFs and HTML pages available on Google Scholar but not everythings is free. If you see something that looks important but cannot access the full article, then try the following ideas:
If you have additional questions about Google Scholar or LinkSource, we would be glad to assist you. Should you need reference help, feel free to call 281-649-3180, email reference@hc.edu, or open a chat on the library home page.