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PHIL 1313: Writing

Basic library suggestions for getting started in philosophy.

Writing Assignments

During your tenure in college you will be asked to write many papers, and you will be graded on those papers.  Below are the important aspects of writing and an example what is wanted in a paper that is considered to be strong:

  1. Content -- A strong paper effectively and specifically presents the required information.
  2. Organization & Transition -- A strong paper effectively links and organizes ideas into a unified coherent essay. It shows good paragraph development and strong transition.
  3. Diction & Syntax -- A strong paper shows effective word choice and awareness of rhetorical strategies.
  4. Grammar & Mechanics -- A strong paper demonstrates firm control of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Be sure that comments you cite are taken in the correct context. Be careful that you don't cite something when the sentence alone seems to validate your position but that sentence instead means something entirely different when you read the paragraph, section or chapter. Adhere to the old adage "Context is king!"


Consider This...

The purpose of this guide is to help find and construct the information you discover into a meaningful and successful paper for your class. The librarians highly recommended to resources:

1. Research Paper Help Center This guide includes 68 videos and tutorials designed by librarians! You can click any page to review the contents in that area and pick what you need. The skills in this guide are surprisingly easy when you learn how, but the problem is just make them a habit. This guide attempts to consolidate all of the best research tips and tools into one location to help guide you through the research process. These will include both videos and tutorials. None of these modules are lengthy reading and the videos may run up to 7 minutes. Many of these topics will be things you have not considered including in your research. We hope this will create new ways of thinking and improving your results and help you become more efficient with your time.


2. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate Turabian. There is a copy on the Ready Reference shelf behind the reference desk, three copies at the Circulation Desk.on permanent reserve, and two copies available for checkout on the second floor (Call Number:  LB2369.T8 2007). The entire first section about 120 pages) discusses the paper process and choked full of good ideas about research, planning, as well as writing. Library research is only one element of the research process. Writing is the most significant piece in that process and is not a cut and paste process when you do find useful information. It is not a linear process (step 1, step 2, etc.). You will likely have to re-search your topic several times as you learn more about it. Writing your paper is a part of the research process as searching for supporting material.

Guides to Good Writing