Further information:
InterLibrary Loaning Books or Articles. TexShare Cards.
You will need to fill out the appropriate form one either via WorldCat, LinkSource (LS) link under the article record, or the forms online here. The library does not interLibrary loan theses or dissertations. To see our Library Policy for InterLibrary Loan please visit this site. If the item is at a TexShare Member Library you may ask for a TexShare Card from the librarian at the HCU Moody Reference Desk. Rice University is not part of the TexShare system. Please view the site listed above to find out how to use the Rice University Library and more about the TexShare System.
Primary Research Articles, Peer Reviewed, Academic or Scholarly Journals: When determining if an article is a primary study, check to make sure the journal that has published the study is Scholarly, Academic or Peer Reviewed. Check the “study” for bias. Check for the correct heading words like Literature Review or Introduction, any form of the word Method (methodology or method), Discussion, Results, and / or Conclusion. Check the abstract or full text of the journal article for a phrase similar to “this study” . Sometimes you might actually see the full-text of the actual construct measurement in the appendix. This EBSCO links explains Scholarly –Peer Reviewed Journals.
Terms & Vocabulary. Keep a running list- As you are reading your studies keep a running list of other terms or names of researchers or organizations that you might use to search again. Check to see if the record for the article links to the references used in the study AND articles that cited that study at a later date.