Click here for Video. This example can be used for general searching in EBSCO Databases.
Not necessary for Dr. Studer's Class.
Any instruments listed in MMYB cost money. These are commercially sold and can be pricey. This database will give your reviews about the instrument and the records give other specific information.See Video 2. Search by the Test Name, acronym or a keyword to find reviews about the test. Click the hyperlinked title of the test for more information; don't forget to check the reviews listed as HTML or PDF.
See Video- Starts from old library page. On new page click he Databases Box a the bottom the page instead.
Search by Test/Instrument Name or What you want scored.
Search PsycTests for Full-Text of Instruments; search by Instrument name, acronym, or by keyword. These are NOT articles. HCU users, if the item is not full text use InterLibrary Loan Form under Library Services and submit your request there. See Video here.
Search these websites below for citations to find the test. Start by searching the Journal Title in the Journal Locator (journal name not article name). Find the correct year, volume, issue, pages and title for the article needed. If it is not found there search the Library Catalog.Search the Library Catalog for books, ebooks, and older journals etc. to see if we have the sources listed in the citation. See Video.
Search by Test/Instrument Name or What you want scored. Then see if we have the book or journal listed.
Regular Search. Search by Instrument name or by keyword like Depression. See Video here.
Search by Test/Instrument Name or What you want scored. Then see if we have the book or journal listed.
From the site: "Search for Complete Psychosocial Tests, Instruments, Rating Scales, and Measures found in the Journal Literature" See Video here.
Search by Test/Instrument Name / What you want scored. Some may have the questions. Then go to the Test Center- 2nd floor.
This search box only searches the books on the Test Table across from the Moody Library Reference Desk. RECORDS retrieved will state if there are test in the volumes and what test. See Video here.
Search by Journal name here; if not found search journal title in Online Catalog. Ask for assistance.
How do I know if my library has this journal? See Video here.