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ENG 1303: Boolean Operators

Lets do it....

 Boolean Operators - how they work.(AND /OR)

Link here to PDF for further explanation.  (Might open in new tab.)


EX: teen* OR adoles* -retrieves all articles with ANY form either word for teenager/s or teen/s or adolescent/s or adolescence.   (You pick where what part of the article will be searched or use the default.)

Both words DON’T have to appear in the each article  retrievedGreat for synonyms.

EX: Alexie OR Erdich – either term may appear or both.

EX: teen* AND pregnan* Retrieved articles must have ( one form or more of teenagers or teen/s or teenager) AND (one form or more of pregnancy or pregnant). (You pick where what part of the article will be searched or use the default.) A form of both words HAS TO APPEAR in the each article retrieved.

EX: Alexie AND captiv* - Alexie must appear and (one form or more of captive/s or captivity or captivate) must appear).Both terms on either side of the AND must appear.