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Dissertation and Thesis Submission

What Happens Next?

After submission, you will be working with your advisors moving towards acceptance. Your advisors will use the ETD website to communicate with you regarding revisions and will notify you when your work has been accepted. 

After Acceptance

After you walk across the stage, your advisors will return to the ETD site to publish your work. Your work will be electronically submitted to ProQuest and they will do the following:

  1. Index your PDF.
  2. Make a microfilm copy of your work for preservation.
  3. Make a catalog record of the work for the library's online catalog.
  4. Post the work on the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.
  5. Mail your physical copies in 6-8 weeks.
  6. Electronically transfer your work to HCU's DARIUS repository in about the same timeframe.