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Dissertation and Thesis Submission

Dissertation/Thesis Chair Usage Information

  • Go to and create your account using your HCU credentials.
  • After logging in, the "login" link in the upper right-hand corner will change to your name.
  • Click on your name and you will see several options available to you. You will need to be in the Administrator mode, not Student Mode.

(NOTE: All graphics are screen shots in this LibGuide are not active pages.)


  • Masters students will go to this same site to create their own account for submission and make any payments to ProQuest.
  • Doctoral students will follow instructions as described on the Ed.D LibGuide. The Administrative Assistant in COEBS will assign dissertations to HCU Chairs.
  • Click the box in the upper right-hand corner and click on Administrator.
  • After student submissions, the Senior Librarian will assign theses to chairs. Administrators (or HCU Chairs) can click View ETD list and View my ETDs.



a.    View list of decisions – if they change.
b.    Revise changes to the degree (e.g., committee members, tags, title, abstract, etc.). This is identical to what students have on their submission page.
c.    Revise PDF (i.e., copyright statement).
d.    Revise ProQuest publishing options (same as student submission page).
e.    Revise repository (or IR, institutional repository) options
f.    See a list of revisions.
g.    View a history of everything down pertaining to this dissertation.
h.    View student’s order form.
i.    Option to withdraw the dissertation (see screenshot on next page).

NOTE: Administrators and Site Administrators can make minor changes to anything in the student’s record EXCEPT payment issues. Students must deal with ProQuest to change their order before or after submission.

On your list, please note the Ready for Checklist link on the right side.


Click on the title and look to the right side to see the checklist

Everything must all be checked BEFORE you can accept the document. Register decisions any time after submission. Technically, you will have several different options under the Select Decision button: Major Revisions, Minor Revisions, or Accept. The doctoral committee has already indicated that dissertations are to be finalized before submitting. This also goes for the Masters students.

You may instead see this screen.

ProQuest changed things and these boxes must be checked before a decision can be registered. Notes are optional.

Administrators (Chairs) must click the Deliver to ProQuest link AFTER graduation according to approved doctoral policy. This will be on the left side list. Please do this as soon as possible as students are eager to see their work on DARIUS and receive printed copies!


A.    After assignment, you probably received an email looking something like this. Student emails will be similar.

B.    If you choose NOT to accept a document and send an email content will be similar to this.

NOTE: I would recommend adding your own signature footer instead of using the generic Administrator.


If you click your name in the upper right hand corner, you will other options. The short videos will help guide you along. The student role lets you see how things may appear from the student view.