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HCU Answers is the 24/7 campus source of FAQ information anything pertaining to HCU. If you do not find an answer here, please ask it! If you are looking for research options and find nothing, then we recommend the following sites instead:
Need something the library does not have? Try the following options:
1. TexShare cards and Inetlibrary loan forms for materials from Fondren Library (Rice) are available from the Library Reference Desk. Fondren Library does not participate in the TexShare card program but other area libraries do, for instance, UH.
2. Search (or Worldcat for smartphones) to see if any local libraries have what you need.
3. Use HCU's Interlibrary Loan Service. We can get most anything for free. Deliveries come to the Circulation Desk. If you have a citation, use the HCU request forms below.