Creating Direct Links to Specific Full-Text Articles
in Ebsco
First, find the article. Before actually viewing the article,
scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the “Persistent link to this
record.” Simply copy and paste this link into your Blackboard pages.
Creating Links to Specific Journals
DISCLAIMER: You will need to check this links periodically as the publisher and database relationship may change throughout the years. At some point, publishers have been known to pull the rights from the vendor thereby disabling access full-text database. At that point, the journal could become an abstract only database. They could drop access to the journal altogether.
As you do your research, you may want to keep up with the latest edition of your favorite journal. You can get journal alerts delivered right to your Inbox or via RSS feeds if you are accustomed to using something like Bloglines. Here's how.
First, you will already need to have an Ebsco account setup. Just click the "Sign in" link and the "I'm a new user" link and create the account. It is worth exploring when you have some time. The account follows you no matter which Ebsco database you use. It's also a great secondary storage area for the journal articles you find.
Next, find a specific journal (as you did above) and look on the right-hand portion of your screen for the "alert" link.
Fill out the form as you prefer. Notice several things about this page. Your logon name is at the top left portion. Feel free to send the alert to any email address you wish and include your own customized subject header as well.
If you prefer RSS feeds, click the "No Email -RSS only" option (circled in blue below) followed by the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
After it is saved, the next will will appear with the URL for the RSS feed.