Call numbers are strange to many people. Here are some useful areas for you to know in case you would like to browse the stacks.
QH - Natural History - Biology
QK - Botany
QL - Zoology
QM - Human anatomy
QP - Physiology
QR - Microbiology
QH1-278.5 Natural history (General)
QH1-(199.5) General
Including nature conservation, geographical distribution
QH201-278.5 Microscopy
QH301-705.5 Biology (General)
QH359-425 Evolution
QH426-470 Genetics
QH471-489 Reproduction
QH501-531 Life
QH540-549.5 Ecology
QH573-671 Cytology
QH705-705.5 Economic biology
QK1-989 Botany
QK1-474.5 General
Including geographical distribution
QK474.8-495 Spermatophyta. Phanerogams
QK494-494.5 Gymnosperms
QK495 Angiosperms
QK504-(638) Cryptogams
QK640-(707) Plant anatomy
QK710-899 Plant physiology
QK900-989 Plant ecology
QL1-991 Zoology
QL1-355 General
Including geographical distribution
QL360-599.82 Invertebrates
QL461-599.82 Insects
QL605-739.8 Chordates. Vertebrates
QL614-639.8 Fishes
QL640-669.3 Reptiles and amphibians
QL671-699 Birds
QL700-739.8 Mammals
QL750-795 Animal behavior
QL791-795 Stories and anecdotes
QL799-799.5 Morphology
QL801-950.9 Anatomy
QL951-991 Embryology
QM1-695 Human anatomy
QM1-511 General
QM531-549 Regional anatomy
QM550-577.8 Human and comparative histology
QM601-695 Human embryology
QP1-(981) Physiology
QP1-345 General
Including influence of the environment
QP351-495 Neurophysiology and neuropsychology
QP501-801 Animal biochemistry
QP(901)-(981) Experimental pharmacology
QR1-502 Microbiology
QR1-74.5 General
QR75-99.5 Bacteria
QR99.6-99.8 Cyanobacteria
QR100-130 Microbial ecology
QR171 Microorganisms in the animal body
QR180-189.5 Immunology
QR355-502 Virology