NOTE: You do NOT need to download Ebooks for general viewing purposes. You can read online on any device and works well on tablets. It may be more challenging to read on mobile phones but it can be done. The overall reading experience has improved over the years. We do not recommend downloading E-books on laptops at all. We do recommend just reading the ebook on your device. In fact, you can bookmark. It will still require logging in with your HCU email address and password.
1. Both EBSCO and Ebook Central require the use of Adobe DRM. EBSCO requires an EBSCOHost account. You can click the Sign In button on any EBSCO database (in the blue menubar). You will need to authorize your device with Adobe Digital Rights Management. You can use Adobe on tablets, phones, or laptops. If you want to download the entire book to read, we recommend using a tablet.
2. EBSCO E-books will require you to use a personalized EBSCO account (free). You must create this first before downloads will be possible. Go to an Ebsco database. You will need to login to the proxy server first but you will also need click the Sign In buttonand create a free EBSCO account. You will need to sign-in every time in order to download an e-book. Use a familiar username and password.
3. Other access issues: Be aware that accessing E-books from work or a school (if you are a teacher) may or may not depending on the firewall setup for your organization. If you get access error messages, then try using your mobile device and try access that way.
Some of the E-books we have in our collection are from Springer Publishing. They specialize in hard and soft sciences. They have an app for Apple products (Android in development).
There is not an Android app at this time. The app is best used for reading on your device. Springer's E-books are downloadable by chapter but must be downloaded to a computer first, then either copied to your device or uploaded to Google Docs, Dropbox, or other cloud service.
Springer's E-books are available in a mobile format. You can visit their web site at or use the app. Please note the following:
Future Developments: