It is the policy of Moody Library to purchase current subscriptions for most periodicals in online versions. They may be found and accessed by using the A-to-Z Publication Locator which is on the Library's Home page. Users of Moody Library have access to more than 60,000 titles through that list. Most of the library's databases are about 75-85% full-text. Be aware that even though a journal may be listed, in some instances it may include citations only rather than full-text. If the article looks useful, please make note of the citation and use our Interlibrary Loan forms. Also, some publishers put an embargo on certain journals disallowing full-text access for a certain period of time, which varies by pubisher. If that occurs, please use our Interlibrary Loan form.
Journal Title Search
To Find an Article, Use Database Indexes.
When you want to do general searching (have no citation), but you want to find articles on a subject, by a specific author, or with a known article title, you need to use one or more databases.
When You Have the Citation to a Specific Article, You need to Find if Moody Library has the Periodical that Contains the Article
Periodicals are continuous publications such as journals, newspapers, or magazines. They are issues regularly (daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly).