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HCU Moody Library for Online Students

Interlibrary Loan (Borrowing from other schools if HCU does not have it)

An HCU student, faculty or staff member can request an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for articles from journals that Moody Library does not own by filling out an Interlibrary Loan Request Form and giving it to a librarian or using one of the online forms below. We do ask that you try all possible checks to be sure that we do not have the article before submitting the form to save the valuable time of our ILL Librarian. She will try to obtain the material from the nearest free or inexpensive source after searching a nationwide network. It can take 24-72 hours for articles to be delivered. Articles will typically be emailed to you and come with a 24-hour password for pickup. Every effort is made to obtain the materials quickly and at the least possible expense, but we cannot guarantee a speedy arrival so start your assignments as early as possible. Questions about Interlibrary Loan should be directed to the Interlibrary Loan Librarian at 281-649-3181 or


Online students residing in Texas can utilize the TexShare card program. TexShare is an agreement among libraries across the State of Texas that allows users of participating libraries to borrow directly from other TexShare libraries anywhere within our great state. Using a TexShare card, currently enrolled students can borrow books in person from participating libraries.  The number of books that can be borrowed is limited by the policies of the TexShare libraries (usually four at a time). A TexShare card can be obtained by filling out the form below. TexShare cards are granted by the semester only. If you need a renewal, please click the renewal button and enter your address (for confirmation purposes).

You will need to present your current student ID, your driver's license, and TexShare card to the library you wish to visit and they will register you into their system. The form above has the information pertaining to ID cards. You are responsible for any resources checked out and responsible to that library for any fines.

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