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Physics: Understanding Call Numbers

How Do I Understand Call Numbers?

Call numbers seem strange to most library users. Here is a guide to understanding them in the area of physics. You can also refer to this if you wish to browse the stacks.

Q1-390                                   Science (General)

Q1-295                                         General

Q300-390                                     Cybernetics

Q350-390                                           Information theory


Subclass QA


QA1-939                                 Mathematics

QA1-43                                        General

QA47-59                                       Tables

QA71-90                                       Instruments and machines

QA75-76.95                                        Calculating machines

QA75.5-76.95                                     Electronic computers.  Computer science

QA76.75-76.765                                       Computer software

QA101-(145)                                 Elementary mathematics.  Arithmetic

QA150-272.5                                Algebra

QA273-280                                   Probabilities.  Mathematical statistics

QA299.6-433                                Analysis

QA440-699                                   Geometry.  Trigonometry.  Topology

QA801-939                                   Analytic mechanics


Subclass QB


QB1-991                                 Astronomy

QB1-139                                       General

QB140-237                                   Practical and spherical astronomy

QB275-343                                   Geodesy

QB349-421                                   Theoretical astronomy and celestial mechanics

QB455-456                                   Astrogeology

QB460-466                                   Astrophysics

QB468-480                                   Non-optical methods of astronomy

QB495-903                                   Descriptive astronomy

QB500.5-785                                      Solar system

QB799-903                                         Stars

QB980-991                                   Cosmogony.  Cosmology


Subclass QC


QC1-999                                 Physics

QC1-75                                        General

QC81-114                                     Weights and measures

QC120-168.85                              Descriptive and experimental mechanics

QC170-197                                   Atomic physics.  Constitution and properties of matter (Including molecular physics, relativity, quantum theory, and solid state physics

QC221-246                                   Acoustics.  Sound

QC251-338.5                                Heat

QC310.15-319                                    Thermodynamics

QC350-467                                   Optics.  Light

QC450-467                                         Spectroscopy

QC474-496.9                                Radiation physics (General)

QC501-766                                   Electricity and magnetism

QC501-(721)                                       Electricity

QC669-675.8                                            Electromagnetic theory

QC676-678.6                                            Radio waves (Theory)

QC701-715.4                                            Electric discharge

QC717.6-718.8                                         Plasma physics.  Ionized gases

QC750-766                                         Magnetism

QC770-798                                   Nuclear and particle physics.  Atomic energy.  Radioactivity

QC793-793.5                                      Elementary particle physics

QC794.95-798                                    Radioactivity and radioactive substances

QC801-809                                   Geophysics.  Cosmic physics

QC811-849                                   Geomagnetism

QC851-999                                   Meteorology.  Climatology (Including the earth's atmosphere)

QC974.5-976                                      Meteorological optics

QC980-999                                         Climatology and weather

QC994.95-999                                          Weather forecasting