The information we gather and then use to create new works is significant. We are stewards of this important resource. Because information can because of human depravity (Genesis 3), information can be misused and abused as we see today with the onslaught of deep fake technology (fake videos) and fake news. What is real? What is unbiased?
Know that an Almighty God can change your life, your homework, or company to advance His kingdom any time. The skills you practice in college will make you a better researcher and employee when you graduate. Your solid research can change an organization that can change a city, state, nation, or a world. God could even use your excellent work to transform people or the world long after you are dead and gone. Consider this story from Dr. Gitt's book, In the Beginning Was Information. He says that every piece of true information is intentional and illustrates his point quite effectively. He tells the following testimony in a conversation that he had.
“It does not matter whether the originally intended purpose or a different one has been achieved. It should become clear from the following episode that even the information found on tombstones can have a far-reaching effect. Some years ago, a Ghanaian professor who visited Braunschweig to complete his doctorate in architecture told me about a cemetery near Accra. The crosses planted on the graves of the first Christian missionaries are still there, and it is clear from the inscribed dates that they succumbed from tropical diseases with a few days after their arrival. Superficially, if could be said that the efforts of those people were in vain. God ended their lives before they had a chance to proclaim one sentence of the gospel. And there were no visible results. Bit this Ghanaian friend said that he had been moved by the silent witnessing of those crosses to take a decisive step in faith. It became clear that God must have blessed those men with so much love that they went out without regard to their own safety to tell others of this love. It is clear that God’s way is often different from our expectations. What might appear futile in our time stream, is fruitful and permanent in God’s kairos (life). The purpose of the missionaries was to win Africans for Christ, and after a long time somebody did fulfill this purpose. Now he witnesses for the gospel to many students in his mother tongue. In their hour of death, those missionaries could not have had an inkling that their purpose would eventually be realized“ (Gitt, pp. 78-79).
It is just tombstones, right? It just numbers? That is not information, is it? But that little bit of infomation was all God needed to bring a man into the kingdom of God. He doesn't need much. With just five loaves and two fishes, God fed 5,000 people. The Apostle Paul just sat down to write an inspired letter to the churches of Rome, Colossae, Galatia, Corinth, Thessalonica, Ephesus, and Phillipi. He just happened to write inspired letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Were these JUST letters? I don't think so. Imagine instead what God can do with your solid research based on solid principles! Your work is not JUST a research paper.
This is all about stewardship. God wants us to be responsible for talents, money, relationships, and resources He has given us. This most certainly includes information since it the backbone of our existence. How will you use it (or not)?
So, yes! Information is a big deal. Information matters!