Does your bibliography have:
⬜ A fully stated research question that is appropriately narrow?
⬜ At least three (3) sources?
⬜ Properly formatted MLA bibliographic statements? (check to make sure the sources have been appropriately
identified; ask if you are not sure)
⬜ Sources are listed in ALPHABETICAL order by author’s last name (or title if there is no author)
⬜ Appropriately identified author (especially in web sites)?
⬜ A mix of scholarly and other “high quality” sources? (ask if you are not sure or visit the Source Types tutorial)
⬜ Blog posts, short news articles, magazines, or other websites that may not have high credibility? (if so, find
alternative sources)
⬜ “Out dented” first lines; indented lines after the first?
⬜ Annotations begin on a line separate from the bibliographic statement?
⬜ Consistent 12 point font in Times New Roman or Arial?
Do your annotations have:
⬜ A mixture of introductory phrases?
⬜ A summary of the MAIN idea/s of each source?
⬜ An assessment of the USEFULNESS or RELEVANCE of the sources for answering or addressing the
research question?
⬜ An assessment of the QUALITY of the source and its origin with a brief explanation?
Edit the annotation if it:
⬜ Does not adequately accomplish the above listing
⬜ Is too short (offers little in the way of explanation or example)
⬜ Is too long (offers too much detail)
⬜ Is close in wording and structure to the abstract offered in the database or the article itself
⬜ Refers to authors by their first names
⬜ Each bibliographic entry is numbered
⬜ Lines are not double spaced
⬜ Upper case words in titles or articles are italicized
⬜ Contains spelling and/or grammatical errors