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Moody Library and Student Athletes: What is LinkSource?

A library research guide geared to student athletes. Includes travel tips for study plus much more.

What is LinkSource? How does it work?

Brief Overview


LinkSource is a helpful way to gain full-text access to articles. The problem with information today is that is too spread out. In our case, Moody Library has over 90 databases leading to over 60,000 journals (not articles . . . journals). We don't know which database has access to a specific journal. LinkSource uses OpenURL technology giving it the ability to check all the databases to which the library subscribes. If the database you are using has a citation but no full-text, you can click the LinkSource icon. LinkSource then cross-checks ALL databases to which the library has access to see if any of them have full-text availability for your article.


Using LinkSource

From a result, click the LinkSource button. A new window opens, and related LinkSource results are displayed. In the first screenshot, the search was done in ProQuest. ProQuest did not have a full-text option. When I clicked LinkSource, it shows that another database, ScienceDirect, has a full-text option. Just click on it and the article will open.

Occasionally, you may be directed to a page for the specific journal but you may have to make a few clicks (year or volume) to get the article. This depends on how the information is shared between vendors. 

Now consider the case below. In this instance, it appears that we do not have the article in full text.



It looks like (on first glance) that no option is available. I would encourage you to click on the catalog search and the A-to-Z Publication Finder list to make sure. In this case, if you click the HCU catalog, you will discover that we do, indeed have access to this journal. The current issue is available in print and the journal is indexed on ProQuest. To continue the process, you next go to ProQuest and do a publication search. Once found, you can click on the year and volume number of interest. Here's screenshot of our catalog. The technology is not flawless or seamless as there can be technical issues which sometimes interfere.



If you check A-to-Z Publication Finder or our catalog and cannot find it and you still want the article, then be sure to use the Interlibrary Loan request link at the bottom of the LinkSource window and we will request the item on your behalf. When your request arrives, it will come to the Circulation Desk. You can always call the Circulation Desk to ask if you materials have arrived. Just call 281-649-3304. For more questions, call our Interlibrary Loan libraria, please call 281-649-3181.