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Moody Library and Student Athletes: Help in Finding Library Materials

A library research guide geared to student athletes. Includes travel tips for study plus much more.

Searching for Books

Finding Books in Moody Library

The books listed in this guide are only a sampling of the books available to you as a library user.  The library has two different methods for searching for books,
Browse or Keyword.

The "Classic Browse Search" is usually used when you know the title of a book, the author that you are looking for, or the exact subject heading for the topic.   Be sure to use the down arrow to choose the type of search that you wish to make.  When you are searching for diseases or medical conditions, you often just have to search for the name directly.  When you do not know the title or author, it is often best to use the "Classic Keyword Search", which allows you to put in search words for your topic in any order. 

Classic Catalog Search

 Classic Browse Search:

Do an EXACT SEARCH for materials in the Library Catalog

Need more help understanding subject headings and understanding and using call numbers

Downloading E-books

NOTE: You do NOT need to download Ebooks for general viewing purposes. You can read online on any device and works well on tablets. It may be more challenging to read on mobile phones but it can be done. The overall reading experience has improved over the years. We do not recommend downloading E-books on laptops at all. We do recommend just reading the ebook on your device. In fact, you can bookmark. It will still require logging in with your HCU email address and password.



1. Both EBSCO and Ebook Central require the use of Adobe DRM. EBSCO requires an EBSCOHost account. You can click the Sign In button on any EBSCO database (in the blue menubar). You will need to authorize your device with Adobe Digital Rights Management. You can use Adobe on tablets, phones, or laptops. If you want to download the entire book to read, we recommend using a tablet.

2. EBSCO E-books will require you to use a personalized EBSCO account (free). You must create this first before downloads will be possible. Go to an Ebsco database. You will need to login to the proxy server first but you will also need click the Sign In buttonand create a free EBSCO account. You will need to sign-in every time in order to download an e-book. Use a familiar username and password.

3. Other access issues: Be aware that accessing E-books from work or a school (if you are a teacher) may or may not depending on the firewall setup for your organization. If you get access error messages, then try using your mobile device and try access that way.

DOWNLOAD NOTE: E-books can be downloaded to one device only! Otherwise, you will need to view it instead on another device.

Electronic Books (E-Books)

HCU's Moody Library has access to more than 100,000 electronic books (E-books).  These books come in two major collections: ebrary and eBooks from EBSCOhost. The library catalog includes both physical and E-book records (with links). It is sometimes easier to saerch the catalog instead of individual E-book databases as the catalog includes additional information such as reviews.


Borrowing Books and Articles from Other Libraries

Interlibrary Loan --An HCU student, faculty or staff member can request an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for a book or article that Moody Library does not own by filling out an Interlibrary Loan Request Form and giving it to a librarian or using one of the online forms below. The Interlibrary Loan Librarian will try to obtain the material from the nearest free or inexpensive source after searching a nationwide network.  Items will be shipped to Moody library.  Every effort is made to obtain the materials quickly and at the least possible expense, but we cannot guarantee a speedy arrival.  Moody Library only borrows books and articles; no CDS, cassette tapes, DVDs, or videocassettes will be requested.  The patron will be notified by email when the item arrives.  Please complete your use of the borrowed materials quickly and return them to the Interlibrary Loan department at HCU.  Questions about Interlibrary Loan should be directed to the Interlibrary Loan Librarian at 281-649-3181 or

Journal Article Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Book Interlibrary Loan Request Form

TexShare Cards -- The TexShare card program is an agreement among several libraries which allows users of TexShare libraries to directly borrow from other TexShare libraries.  Using a TexShare card HCU faculty, staff and currently enrolled students can borrow books in person from participating libraries.  The number of books that can be borrowed is limited by the policies of the TexShare libraries.  A TexShare card can be obtained at the Reference Desk or the Circulation Desk along with a list of the local libraries that participate in the TexShare program.  Rice University does not participate in the TexShare card program.

Borrowing From Rice University -- To borrow books from Rice University an HCU affiliate must obtain an official ALA (American Library Association) Interlibrary loan form from the Moody Reference Desk, fill it out completely and have it signed by an HCU librarian.  Users must know which book is to be borrowed from Rice.  An incomplete form will not be accepted.  Librarians can assist patrons to find book citations in the Rice University catalog.  The agreement between Rice and HCU allows our faculty, staff and students to borrow up to four books at a time.  Each book borrowed needs its own form. HCU constitutents who use this service are responsible for returning all items to Rice.