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Moody Library and Student Athletes: Off-Campus Access

A library research guide geared to student athletes. Includes travel tips for study plus much more.

Off-Campus Access

Most hotels have either wireless or hardwire connections. It is sometimes handy to carry your own Cat5 of Cat6 network cable with you. Either way, off-campus access to library services will be the same. Essentially, everything works the same way off-campus as it does one campus with a few exceptions.

  1. When you click any database, you will be taken to an HCU login page. Just input your HCU userID and password just as if you were going to logon to a computer here at HCU.
  2. If you are sure you know your password and that you have typed it correctly, you can to to My HCU Portal and change the password. If you have any problems while on the road, call 281-649-3410.

My Library Account