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William L. Moody Library Policies

This guides assembles all library policies in one place.

Borrowing and Renewing

Checkout Period​

Resources have the following checkout time periods:

  • Books - 3 Weeks
  • Compact Discs - 1 week
  • DVD's - 1 week


  • Most items can be renewed twice after initial checkout. ​
  • Renewal Options
    • Call the Circulation Desk at 281-649-3304 to receive you PIN number. Go to the library's catalog and type your H-number or TexShare ID number. The PIN is the number given by the library staff. Click My Account and renew your items at any time.
    • BookMyne mobile app is available for iPhones and Android. As above, you will need your PIN number from the CIrculation Desk. Patrons will login in a similar fashion as the web site. NOTE: In addition to renewals, students actually can also search Houston Public Library and Harris County Public Library! If this won’t work, you can also visit OCLC’s WorldCat to search for something that HCU Moody Library may not have. This option will check for your material literally anywhere in the world. By setting your zip code on the results, you can see who has your item starting with the nearest library to your location and working its way out. Be sure to get a TexShare so you can drive to that library and check out your item if it is urgently needed!
    • If you are unable to renew, please call the Circulation Desk at 281-649-3304 as you may have reached the maximum number of renewals or could have a hold on your library account. 
  • Student privileges expire at end of the semester. Privileges can be renewed by showing the next semester's schedule for which you are registered. Students may check out books over the summer if they are not registered as long as they have a class schedule for the semester.