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William L. Moody Library Policies

This guides assembles all library policies in one place.

Library Access to Wifi

Accessing the Wireless Network in the Library

The campus wireless network includes both the first floor and second floors of the library. Strength levels will vary depending on what type of wireless card you have, number of people using the wireless (a.k.a. bandwidth), and your location relative to the antenna.  You can use your personal computer for your own work including accessing the Moody Library catalog and databases, browsing the Internet and downloading files to your own computer.

What you need

You can use any standard wireless connection on any device with WiFi capabilities. For specifics, please refer to any instructions provided by the manufacturer or Operating System help options. The HCU Guest is available to everyone without a password. The standard privacy disclaimers apply and the library strongly recommends security measures to protect yourself as well as our network. Recommendations include AVG, MalWareBytes, or SpyBot, Ad-blocker is also a great extension for many browsers. We also recommend that you make regular checks of your system and that the software is regularly updated.

Logging onto the Wireless Network

Logging into the wireless network is seamless and does not require a user id or password. All library resources are available to all patrons while inside the building. Off-campus access is restricted to currently enrolled students. Most public libraries can access some of the databases Moody Library uses, particularly those from TexShare. More information including rules and the ethical use of the wireless network can be found on Moody Library's Computer Use Policies tab.


Due to such a wide range of personal computing needs of individuals, library and campus staff will be unable to assist in troubleshooting PC or wireless connection problems. Students may be able to call the HCU Helpdesk at 281-649-3410 or place a ticket for suggestions.

Power to your laptop

The library has surveyed its facility in searching for the safest places for patrons wishing to use laptop computers. We are growing concerned about patron and computer safety and want to provide the safest locations for electrical plugs (personal safety as well as equipment safety). We primarily want people to avoid plugging laptops into locations in which the electrical cord stretches across places where people walk.

So where can you plug in? Look for tables marked with "Laptop Friendly Table" signs. That means an electrical plug is nearby for your use. If there is an electrical plug near you but not a "Laptop Friendly" sign, then we ask that you not use that plug. The Library personnel may ask you to move if they feel it could be potentially unsafe (if you use a different location). If you are unsure, you are always welcome to ask the Circulation Supervisor or Reference Librarian on duty.