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Regular fines do apply. Like most stores, if you break it (or lose it), you will need to buy a replacement. Most items can be renewed twice after initial checkout. Click My Account and renew your items at any time. View this tutorial to help you know how to renew your books online from home! |
Fines are 25 cents per day for regular materials beginning the next day after the due date. The due date is stamped in the book. The library is not responsible for notifying borrowers that materials are overdue, but overdue notices will be sent by e-mail. Delays in registration or in receipt of transcripts can result from overdue materials or unpaid fines. |
If materials have not been returned 28 days after the due date, the materials will be presumed lost and a replacement bill will be sent for the item plus a $5.00 processing fee in addition to the accumulated fines. Email reminders will be regularly sent. Be aware that library books are typically just as expensive as textbooks. The library is willing to consider alternative replacements for less expensive rates; however, the book must be in good or excellent condition and have the same physical nature as what was lost; i.e. hardback library books must be replaced with another hardback, etc. Excellent condition means good quality paper, no dog-earring of pages, no handwriting in the books, and no damage to the book. Librarians will examine the book and approve it before accepting it as a replacement copy. Patrons are encouraged to check their library accounts regularly so they are in good standing at graduation. Students may experience delays in registration and will not receive transcripts if records contain fines. |
All students, staff, and faculty must register with the library to activate borrowing privileges. Registration forms are available at the circulation desk. Registration is for the current semester only and must be renewed each semester. Students, faculty and staff must present University ID cards in order to check out library materials. |
These include: 1) HCU students, 2) Faculty, and 3) Staff |
These include: 1) Trustees, 2) HCU alumni, 3) residents of University Place, 4) TexShare patrons and, 5) the staff of Memorial Hospital. |
Currently enrolled HCU students, HCU faculty, HCU staff and HCU trustees are eligible to borrow books and articles that the Moody Library does not own though Interlibrary Loan (ILL). An ILL request form can be filled out in person or online at Items borrowed through ILL are shipped to Moody Library. The patron will receive an email when their item arrives at the Library. An HCU patron can borrow from another library in person by using a TexShare card. |
TexShare for HCU Students, Faculty, and Staff: |
To get a TexShare card you will need to bring your current HCU ID (with the current term's sticker) to the Moody Library and fill out a TexShare registration form. Your TexShare card will expire at the end of the term; after that you will need to return to the Moody Library for a new one. Please follow all the rules of the TexShare library and return the items you borrow on time. Rice University does not participate in the TexShare card program. Please come to the reference desk to find out how you can check out items from Rice in person. |