Ethical Use of Moody Library Equipment, Software, and Data
Moody Library provides its users with access to a vast array of information resources through the use of publicly accessible computers, software, and data. It is important for all individuals to use those resources in an appropriate and responsible manner. Individuals should follow the guidelines listed below whenever using any of the library’s electronic resources in order to ensure that they remain as accessible to as many people as possible.
Persons in violation of these policies will be referred to the Office of Student Affairs or HCU Police.
- Library computers are primarily for scholarly purposes.
- HCU computers can be used by HCU students, faculty, and staff. Students must log into computers with the HCU network ID and password and should never use their student ID to log in for other students or guests.
- Guest computers - Guests must show their TexShare card at the Circulation Desk to use a public computer. Guests may their ticket for one 1-hour session per day. The time cannot be adjusted. Tickets or leftover time cannot be saved or time reused. Guests must be over the age of 18 to use guest computers.
- Walk-up catalog computers are available on the second floor.
- Restrictions:
a) Intentional attempts to impede, restrict, corrupt or in any other way disrupt the efficient operation of the university computer system(s) shall be construed as a blatant and intentional attempt to breach the integrity and security of the campus computer system, and shall be subject to the fullest extent of disciplinary policy and/or law.
b) Please use headphones when viewing audio-visual resources. Headphones are available at the Circulation Desk.
- Wireless access - HCU Moody Library provides free Wifi. There is no password needed. Simply go to your device's wireless settings "HCU Guest" should automatically be discovered.
- The library cannot guarantee that downloaded programs will be virus-free or will not cause damage to personal computers. The library cannot be held responsible for damages to personal computers because of downloaded software.
- The library cannot guarantee or be held responsible for the accuracy, thoroughness, timeliness, or content of any items retrieved. Students should check with their professors before citing any Internet source in their assignments. If allowed, students should check with professors about preferred methods of evaluating and documenting Internet sources.