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Photos of Presenters and Posters (2014): Poster21

May 7th-- Winners will be announced.

21. Factors Associated with Academic Motivation Among College Students

McNeil, Kamaria

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Professor: Dr. Valerie Bussell


The current research investigated academic motivation across ethnicities. Educational utility was examined as a means as well as the relationship between aspirations for attaining a job in the field of one’s major, GPA, and SES. The sample included undergraduate students (n=122) attending a private university in Houston, TX. Participants completed a questionnaire that included demographic information, Academic Motivation Scale, and Education Utility Scale. Results from the current study reveal that there was no difference in academic motivation across ethnicities. Additionally, no significant correlation was found between academic motivation and educational utility. Although there was no significant finding between aspirations for attaining a job in the field of one’s major and GPA. An interesting finding was that aspirations for attaining a job in the field of one’s major and SES were negatively correlated indicating that aspirations for attaining a job in the field of one’s major were higher the lower a student’s household income as a child. Overall, findings do not show differences in academic motivation among ethnicities for educational utility or GPA. Study limitations are discussed.

Kamaria McNeil