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Photos of Presenters and Posters (2014): Poster33

May 7th-- Winners will be announced.

Playing College Sports and the Consequences on Student Athlete’s Academic Success

Walls, Xavier

School of Nursing and Allied Health

Professor: Dr. Kylee J. Short


College students are responsible for maintaining good grades while also trying to juggle the demands of playing and sport. The demands of balancing school work and also playing a sport can be very stressful. The research will examine the research that student athletes are less prepared for college than non-athletic students. Student athletes are given special admissions into schools they would normally not qualify for. Research has supported that athletes are recording lower test scores and also struggle with career maturity and making wise career decisions. Further research also supports that athletes tend to struggle with identity outside of sport contributing to narrowed career vision and fear of exploration outside of their athletic identity. Design & Method: The use of a questionnaire’s and interviews with teachers and athletes’ are used to understand athletes and teachers point of view.

Xavier Walls