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Photos of Presenters and Posters (2014): Poster 34

May 7th-- Winners will be announced.

Amazon Deforestation and Climate Change

White, Nathan

School of Business

Professor: Dr. Melissa Wiseman


As countries begin to expand and develop their economies, deforestation rates often rise. Brazil, the focus of this paper, has seen massive increases in the percentage of the Amazon Rainforest that has been deforested. This paper explains why the laws surrounding property rights, the view of the rainforest by the natives of Brazil, and other factors only encourage the continuation of the destruction of the rainforest. Also discussed are some of the environmental effects of deforestation as well as potential steps that the Brazilian government can take that would help preserve the Amazon Rainforest. The rate at which the Amazon is being deforested will eventually lead to serious repercussions for Brazil, and possibly, the world if deforestation laws are not enforced and the destruction of the forest is allowed to continue.

Nathan White