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Photos of Presenters and Posters (2014): Poster 31

May 7th-- Winners will be announced.

Burnout and the Effects on Student Athletic Trainers in the Collegiate Level


Valdez, Melissa

School of Nursing and Allied Health

Professor: Dr. Kylee J. Short


It is known that stress can affect the body psychologically and physically. Burnout is a common result of prolonged stress and can be seen throughout all aspects of the medical field. A large number of researches are done concerning burnout on certified athletic trainers but little is investigated on student athletic trainers in the collegiate level. The need to continue research on student athletic trainers is important because the students are the future of the field. Students are often worked too hard for too long, leaving little time for academics and life outside of the training room. This research is to provide information on the levels of burnout on student athletic trainers and how it affects their career. Subjects will be taking a survey to assess their level of burnout and stress. The survey will review the following three levels of burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. After surveys are filled out by student athletic trainers in an educational program or in an internship, scores will be calculated and examined. Information regarding the scores is provided in the research paper.

Melissa Valdez